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Our Story

One O Eight

One O Eight is a boutique Yoga Studio.

This Dharma Yoga-inspired heart space is a space where you connect with your heart and surrender to your practice. It is a space that represents self-love and unconditional love for others.

Hold that space for as long as you need.

Dedication In humility I offer this dedication to my forever teacher Yogi Sri Dharma Mittra.In Loving Service. Om Shanti

Sound Bath & Meditation
with Kelly  

The sound vibration impacts our nervous system, quieting the inner critic, and essentially enhancing awareness of the mind/body connection. Simple yoga relaxation postures will also be guided in the class. 


Workshop - Past


 花蓮 • 二零二三
Hualien Retreat 2023

Hualien, Taiwan. Autumn, a sojourn in this new retreat center located in a tranquil prairie between 2 mountains and Taroko National Park (太魯閣國家公園). Immerse in the nature, and to disconnect yourself from everyday life and connect within. 


Om with Jerome
A Weekend of Strength and Grace
6 - 8 October, 2023


One O Eight x NIKE 

Tea Meditation Ceremony Workshop

Master Class: Hip openers, backbends, and inversions! This practice will challenge students to dig deep into their determination and willpower to achieve great results. Brand new variations of poses will be shown and none of the asanas are rushed. Students have the opportunity to discover the pose in its full glory and to go deep into a meditative state. Modifications of poses will be offered for beginners. All are welcome!

Morning High: Chanting and pranayama 


Let's Fly: Handstand Workshop 

All Levels Asana Class 

(Psychic Development, Maha Sadhana)


Bio: Jerome Burdi is an 800-hour certified Dharma Yoga teacher from New York City. He practiced with Sri Dharma Mittra for nearly seven years and taught at the Dharma Yoga Center for 3.5 years. He now lives in Barcelona and teaches master and all levels immersions and trainings in yoga schools around the world. His website is

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Desmond CK
談: 出家、禪修、還俗、金錢、頌缽、靜心

2004年 畢業於佛光山叢林學院
2005年 跟隨尊貴的 詠給明就仁波切出家修道同年於尼泊爾學習藏文與大手印禪修
2008年 擔任香港德噶禪修中心導師
2009年 接任亞洲德噶基金會執行長
2015年 還俗回家開始體驗生活
2016年 日本教導頌缽靜心,成立根本體驗
2020年 首次在馬來西亞正式教學
2021年 獲得國家認證專業技職導師資格
2021年 獲得國家認證水晶能量療癒師
2021年 獲得國家認證阿育吠陀療癒師


108: Essence of Ikebana 

Inspired by studio 1O8, an introductory class will be hosted to showcase the basics of ikebana that consist of (1) Lines & movement, (O) Mass & Form, (8) Space & balance. 

Through this class, guests will gain an appreciation of the “way of flowers”; perfect imperfection of nature, and also learn the basics for oriental and western style flower arrangement.


Kyoto Retreat 

Set in the heart of Kyoto, Nanzenji Temple (南禅寺) rests a 15-minute walking distance from Ginkakuji Temple (Silver Pavilion) (銀閣寺) and the 16 others UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Originally built as an Imperial villa in 1264, it is the head temple of the Rinzai sect of Zen Buddhism, and is famous for its rock garden of the main hall and the sub-temple. The temple also contains beautiful artifacts along the sliding doors (fusuma) and the well-known large brick aqueduct that passes through the temple grounds. A stay with Nanzen-ji Temple is one of the most secluded ways to let your own soul be touched by the sublime aesthetic of Japanese Zen, and to witness how this aesthetic can accommodate seemingly diverse elements, blending them into a unified whole. 

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Rocket Yoga
with Vicky

In this 2.5 hour workshop, Vicky will lead a 120+ mins complete rocket yoga practice, introduction of the history, sequence and philosophy of rocket yoga will follow. Handouts will be given in this workshop, students will be able to learn the progressive method of Rocket Vinyasa, and build the path towards a stronger, independent and creative self-practice.


YTT Retreat 2022 

The Maha Sadhana Retreat 

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Kirtan with Christina 

Kirtan is a very different kind of music. Based on ancient chants, it has the ability to quiet the mind if listened to with intention. Everyone experiences kirtan differently, and it doesn’t have to be a religious experience. You can think of it as a sing-along. A kirtan concert is not your typical concert either. Everyone sits on the floor, although chairs are usually available. The performers are accessible, in fact there’s not much of a distinction between performers & audience. The wallah (leader) sings the mantra, and the audience sings it back. A single chant can go on for up to forty minutes. As you sing with each other you experience a deep connection with the musicians, the other audience members and yourself. And when the music stops, your mind is quiet.


Ms Cherrie Chung, Psychotherapist - Workshop

Relationships: An exploration workshop.

This workshop seeks to provide a guided and reflective space to discover more about yourself in the context of relationships and why we are the way we are in them. We will explore relational patterns through attachment theory and where this might stem from in your personal history and family narratives of relationships. We will also open up conversations to clarify and increase awareness about the styles and dynamics of relating, giving, and receiving in relationships. Finally, we invite you to develop a greater familiarity with yourself by learning about the kind of partner you most want to be in a healthy relationship.


Yoga book club
with Hugo 

Subject: History and Philosophy behind Yoga

History and philosophy behind yoga.

A gathering of yoga practitioners and enthusiasts where we discuss yoga philosophy. 


Marble Rocks

One O Eight

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